Drummers PathWorkshops
I. Four Steps to Drumming Bliss
Going to the One - Learn the fundamentals of hand drumming as well as exercises to improve your drumming in four easy steps. [1hr]
II. West African Drum Rhythms
Learn the many parts of a West African rhythm. Polyrhythms bring out the true power of the drums [1- 1.5 hr]
III. Instant Drumming
Play drums with little or no instruction. With the power of sound participants will repeat patterns of sounds with minimal instruction. This is a shortcut to drumming, bypassing the cognitive process of learning and remembering. Its just about doing without thought getting in the way. [1hr]
IV. The Drum Checkup
In this workshop I'll provide you with a checklist of things to consider in maintaining and obtaining a personal drum. Alex will give instructions on preventative maintenance and “first aid” measures you can take to keep your drum in good shape. Fix it now! He will share helpful hints on how to select the drum that’s right for you. Understanding your drum. Drumming as a lifestyle. Being one with your drum [1hr]
V. Jammin’ with Drums
Within the circle are endless rhythms; each of us has a wealth of rhythm inside. Rhythmic harmony can open the doors perception, clear the mind of the obstructions of the ego, and can lead to the release of endorphins. It can lead to the healing of self and others, it can be useful in ceremonies, in song and for creative self expression. We will explore some basic techniques for drumming and learn some traditional rhythms to be used as a launching pad to explore the sonic realms. [1-2hrs]VI. DrumBuilding
This two day workshop begins with a ceremony to remind us of our connection to the Source and to honor the gifts from the Earth that will become our drums. Then you will craft your own drum to completed form. This includes choosing your own natural wood drum shell and hide, complete assembly and a lesson in making “diamonds” to keep the drum tight and tuned. All drums will come with a heavy fabric belt strap to wear when playing. Prices will vary with the type of drum picked to construct. [two 4hr segments]
VII. Creative Play through Drum & Dance
In this workshop we will apply simple rhythm and dance techiques and relate them to the elements around us; water, air, fire, and earth. Participants will be given time to create their own form of expression in small groups and at the end we will assemble the parts and perform it in a completed movement. [1hr]
VIII. Magical Mystical Mead
The history, ritual, and modern day uses of Mead. Discussion of Mead making techniques and recipes. We will have a Boost & Toast session, as done in the times of old.
IX. EarthDance Drum & Dance Ritual
As drummers & dancers we are the devotees of Rhythm. We connect to Rhythm through our Roots - the Elements and the Ancestors. Primal rhythms will enable participants to en-trance, entering the space where our Spirit works & plays. There is no joy but the joys of rhythm. There is no motion but the color of dancing. Adorn yourselves with garments of your Altar-Self, and become. Fire spinners and flaggers welcome.
Preparation team - Come at dusk to prepare a sacred space for the ceremony. Aligning of torches, building a sacred fire, creating the gate, perimeter outline. Bring ideas for your Altar-Self (adornments), dance & drum rhythms.